Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I was away

I don't know how many of you have noticed that I was away for about a week. I moved again. Just a whole lot of issues. I'm back so everything is good.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thank You Firefighters, From California!

Lately I've been thinking how blessed we are that no fires have broken out in the area we live in. I'm glad it hasn't happened. Yesterday on my way to visit my parents, I saw a long line of fire trucks one right after the other. I'm sure they were at least 10 trucks. They came from Beverly Hills CA and Davis CA. Davis isn't so far from where I live but Beverly Hills is hella far. Anyway those firefighters and all the rest of the firefighters have to drive so far to get to Concow and Paradise. It must be a grueling trip for them to have to endure and then fight fires. What do they do to fight time? Do they play cards? Watch dvd's on a portable dvd player? It would be so boring just to have to sit there all the way.

On a more serious note, many of you might have heard that there has already been one fatality in Concow, yes the fires have claimed a victim which is so sad. I just hope the people who have not listened to authorities now see the magnitude of the fires and evacuate so there are no more casualties. I just want these fires to end. It's so horrible. It's just awful to see all that suffering.

Every week that I have gone to visit my family in Live Oak and Gridley I have seen fire trucks either going to or coming from the Paradise and Concow areas where the fires have been burning. Every single time I see them I think " Thank you, for helping." What more can I say? I'm grateful that we have men and women who choose this profession.

I am not forgetting the fires in the bay area. I'm not sure if those are contained or not. I have not forgotten the men and women fighting those fires either. I thank them as well. I thank all the men and women who are fighting the fires all across the state of California those include those who have come from different states to aid in battling those fires.

THANK YOU! For helping to protect us.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I'm exploring other people's pages. Some I just browse through. Mostly the way I find pages I like is through other people's favorite blogs.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Board Book

I'm going to start working more on my board book today. I was inspired by suziblu's board book video. Here's her video and I hope I can add mine as a video response soon.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Don't be shy, leave me some comments.

My Baby Wants to Shave

Her father was just shaving and guess what he says. Well, he said "Julie, she wants to shave". I laughed so hard it made my day. She just wants to do everything we do right now. It's funny at times.

Feeling Good

I'm feeling good this morning. It could be the fact that I was very lazy today and slept until 9:30 am. I did go to sleep late last night, 12 am to be exact. I was watching Cry Wolf with my husband. I had never seen it before so I borrowed it from my sister in law.

I know I'm feeling much better because of the fact that I got a lot more sleep than I have in the last couple of days. Friday night my neighbors were partying, drinking, yelling and playing LOUD music. I would have been fine with that IF I lived in a house but we don't we live in apartments and you could hear everything. It was horrible. THANKFULLY someone called the cops on them. I'm sure my other neighbors were relieved.

I'm well rested now so I'm good and happy and not cranky like these few past days. My headache is also gone. Could you believe it hurt all day yesterday. Lack of sleep does that to you.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Wooden Decoupage Picture Frame

Hi Everyone

My first post is going to be an introduction of myself. I'm a quiet and reserved person. When I meet new people I'm shy at first until I get to know the people better. I have a good personality and I like joking around. I'm 22 years old but I feel older :( I have a beautiful baby girl who will be 2 in November. She is quite a handful.

I enjoy all kinds of different activities, especially going outdoors. I like swimming,hiking and just sitting under the trees. I especially like tubing it's so much fun and scary at the same time. You have to hold on tight unless you want to get thrown in the water.

I listen to all kinds of music. I give everything a chance. I like to draw and paint. Lately I've been more into crafting. I will be posting a video of some things I have made and have for sale.

This blog is going to be mostly about showing my art and crafts. I hope you enjoy my creations and my style.